Monday, August 29, 2011

Day three update!

I forgot to actually post this last night, so here's yesterday's update!

Breakfast burrito -
3 eggs: 240 calories
1/8 c. cheese: 55 calories
1 tortilla: 150 calories

1 no-bake cookie

20 minutes stretching
1 hr Ballerobica

greek salad

1 sandwich (mozz, tomato, salami, basil)
1 banana bar with whipped cream cheese frosting
1 peanut butter cookie
lots of strawberries and raspberries
peas and grape tomatoes

Lessons learned today: I have never seen a tortilla with as high a calorie count as the one from Target. I got a coupon in the mail to get some tortillas free which is why I have them, but I'm definitely never getting those again. (Market Pantry tortillas. Don't buy them.) Along that same vein, I need to start checking nutrition facts when I buy packaged foods like that. I never have with any regularity because I've never needed to. I need to get in the habit of doing so.

As I am starting this (at 8:30AM), I am also in the middle of some stretching. Admittedly it's not rigorous if I can be on the computer at the same time, but butterfly is quite conducive to typing, as are the splits with my computer out in front of me. I gained most of my weight in my belly, my hips, my butt, and my thighs. I'm hoping with some stretching to lengthen the muscles, I'll be able to achieve my first goal and fit in my clothes a little faster than I might be able to otherwise.

Ashley – your suggestion of going by the way my pants fit is an awesome one! I have a pair of skinny jeans that I purchased just a little too small, so they have never been quite as flattering as I've wanted them to be. That will be my new goal. I might step on a scale between now and then, but I certainly won't be buying one. I know that once those pants fit comfortably, I will have achieved my last goal. Then I won't be constantly worrying about the numbers on the scale! Thanks for that awesome tip.

Still no sign of the elusive tape measure. Perhaps next weekend I'll have a little more time to unpack and organize. I'm sure it's somewhere in one of the bags in the bedroom. It just might take a little more looking than I initially anticipated.

I also used a BMR calculator Saturday night. If I am 140 lbs. (which I seriously doubt), I need to consume about 1540 calories per day in order to lose 1 lb. per week. For 150 lb. me, I believe that number was 1610. I said I exercise moderately – 3 to 5 days per week, which is an underestimate, but I'd rather be safe than sorry.

One of the ladies at the new church I went to last night made a TON of food – hence the all-over-the-place dinner. And I went out to lunch with my Couchsurfer. Pretty sure the entire day was a fail as far as calories go.

Starting to see the whole lack of self-control thing? Ugh.  

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